!1044 S. Fair Oaks Pasadena CA 91105
(626) 379-1620
(626) 449-4859
Our Services
Breast Surgery
Diseases of the breast are treated by surgical, and medical means. Dr. Shirazi helps patients to understand the choices for surgery, as well as need for follow up She follows patients who are high risk for breast cancer, and stresses prevention, and healthy life style as a means to avoid increased risk for breast cancer.
Genetic Testing
Genetic predisposition to breast ovarian and colon cancer thought not common, is prevalent in t5-10% of the general population. Fortunately, now we have readily available, reliable and high quality testing that Dr. Shirazi offers to her patients. Schedule an appointment for testing of your genetic predisposition.
General Surgery
As part of the medical staff at Huntington Hospital, Dr. Shirazi sees patients in the acute care setting. She routinely performs procedures such as colon resections, laparosocpic appendectomy and cholecystectomy as well as many procedures includig emergent and elective herina reapair. She is active in teh service to the US Navy members, and enjoys caring for people in their time of greatest need.